Dr. Yutaka Hattori


Yutaka Hattori M.D., Ph D.


Workplace & Position

Deputy Director, P-One Clinic, Keikokai Medical Corporation

Part-time physician, Department of Hematology, Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital

Part-time physician, Department of Hematology, International University of Health and Welfare Hospital



1984 M.D. Keio University School of Medicine
1991 Ph.D. Keio University School of Medicine


Professional History

Oct 2006-Mar 2008 Assistant professor, Hematology Infectious Diseases & Rheumatology of Internal Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine
Apr 2008-Mar 2024 Professor, Division of Clinical Physiology and Therapeutics, Keio University Faculty of Pharmacy
Apr 2009-Mar 2020 Adjunct professor, Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine
Apr 2011-Mar 2013 Director, Lifelong Learning Centre, Keio University Faculty of Pharmacy
2012-present Part-time physician, Department of Hematology, Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital
Oct 2013-Sep 2017 Director, Keio University, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science
Apr 2024 Professor Emeritus, Keio University
Apr 2024-present Part-time physician, Department of Hematology, International University of Health and Welfare Hospital
Apr 2024-present Deputy Director, P-One Clinic, Keikokai Medical Corporation


Awards and Accolades

1990 Nishi Memorial Cancer Research Promotional Grant
1991 Seijinbyo Igaku Research Institute Award
1991 Sasagawa Cancer Research Promotional Funds
1992 National Cancer Center Tamiya Memorial Award
1993 Uehara Memorial Foundation Research Incentive Grant
2001 Waxmann Research Fund
2002 Foundation for Promotion of Cancer Research Fund
2005 International Myeloma Foundation Horinouchi Research Grant
2006 Tokyo Seikagaku Research Grant
2007 Keio University Kitajima Award
2008 Princess Takamatsunomiya Cancer Research Grant
2008 Japan Leukemia Research Grant
2008 Japanese Foundation for Multidisciplinary Treatment of Cancer Research Grant
2023 Keio University Award


Membership in Academic Associations

Japanese Society of Hematology (distinguished service member, councilor, editorial board of Japanese Journal of Clinical Hematology, guideline committee),

Japanese Society of Myeloma (distinguished service member, congress president of 48th annual meeting, board director, chair of publicity committee, chair of COI committee, chair of research and survey committee),

The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (chair of 22nd Pharmaco-Hematology Symposium pharma-biology section organizing committee)

The Japanese Cancer Association, The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, American Society of Hematology, Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology Reviewers Board


Academic Papers (Last 10 papers)

1)Matsushita M, Kashiwazaki S, Kamiko S, Kobori M, Osada M, Kunieda H, Hirao M, Ichikawa D, Hattori Y. Immunomodulatory effect of proteasome inhibitors via the induction of immunogenic cell death in myeloma cells. Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 2023 Oct; 16(10): 1367.doi: 10.3390/ph16101367

2)服部 豊 薬剤師のための症候学 第2版第6刷 慶應義塾大学薬学部監修 慶應義塾大学出版会, 東京 pp1-122(122頁中), 2023/09/23

3)Okayama M, Fujimori K, Sato M, Samata K, Kurita K, Sugiyama H, Suto Y, Iwasaki G, Yamada T, Kiuchi F, Ichikawa D, Matsushita M, Hirao M, Kunieda H, Yamazaki K, Hattori Y*. GTN057, a komaroviquinone derivative, induced myeloma cells’ death in vivo and inhibited c-MET tyrosine kinase. Cancer Medicine 2023 Apr:12(8);9749-9759. DOI:10.1002/cam4.5691

4)Nagase K, Okada A, Matsuda J, Ichikawa D, Hattori Y, Kanazawa H. A thermoresponsive cationic block copolymer brush-grafted silica bead interface for temperature-modulated separation of adipose-derived stem cells. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2022 Oct 13;220:112928. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2022.112928.

5)服部 豊、松下麻衣子 抗がん剤 日本医師会雑誌 2022;151(1):pp125-130(366頁中)血液疾患のすべて 日本医師会編 メジカルビュー社 2022/06/15

6)Hirao M*, Yamazaki K, Watanabe K, Mukai K, Hirose S, Osada M, Tsukada Y, Kunieda H, Denda R, Kikuchi T, Sugimori H, Okamoto S, Hattori Y*. Negative E-cadherin expression on bone marrow myeloma cell membranes is associated with extramedullary disease. F1000 Research 2022 Feb 28; 11:245. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.109551.2.

7)Hattori Y*, Futo T, Uozaki R, Ichikawa D, Yamaguchi T, Yamamoto T, Matsushita M, Hirao M. Integrin β5 and β7 expression in lenalidomide resistant multiple myeloma cells. International J of Hematology 2022;115(4):605-608. Doi:10.1007/s12185-022-03297-w.

8)Yamamoto T, Nakayama J, Yamamoto Y, Kuroda M, Hattori Y*, Ochiya T*. SORT1/LAMP2-mediated Extracellular Vesicle Secretion and Cell Adhesion Are Linked to Lenalidomide Resistance in Multiple Myeloma. Blood Adv 2022; 6(8):2480-95. Doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2021005772

9)服部 豊 修得すべき知識の概要 単著pp2,3、血液疾患の検査 共著15-25(395頁中)臨床薬学テキストシリーズ 血液・造血器/感染症/悪性腫瘍 望月眞弓・加藤裕久・服部 豊編 中山書店 2021/05/01

10)青森達、大林恭子、齋藤義正、里美貴、須賀達夫、中村智徳、服部 豊、松下麻衣子 フィジカルアセスメントに基づく症例解析と薬物治療 担当部分 単著 心不全の病態、慢性心不全の薬物治療 京都廣川書店 pp10-14(134頁中)2021/08/01